ThemeKit – Bootstrap Admin Theme Kit Review

⭐ ThemeKit – Bootstrap Admin Theme Kit ⭐
Author FrontendMatter
Sales 3,167
Rating ⭐ 4.56
📖 Features 📖
HTML Pages 319
Responsive Fully
Browser Support Last 4 versions
RTL Support Yes
AngularJS Starter Boilerplate
📂 Specialized Themes 📂
Real Estate App & Website
Music App & Website
Admin Dashboard Panel
Learning Website Theme
Social Network 3 Themes
🔧 UI Kits 🔧
Essentials UI Kit
Layout UI Kit
Sidebar UI Kit
Navbar UI Kit
Colors UI Kit
🛠️ Tools & Technologies 🛠️
Task Automation Grunt
Assets Management Bower
HTML Templating Swig
Web Server BrowserSync

ThemeKit is a versatile and feature-rich Bootstrap admin theme kit priced at $20 for a regular license. Developed by FrontendMatter, this theme has different responsive HTML themes that are tailored to specific niches. It incorporates an extensive UI framework that ensures continued support for projects.

ThemeKit’s Key features include:

Built on Bootstrap: This guarantees compatibility with the most renowned HTML, CSS, and JS framework for establishing responsive, mobile-first projects.

319 HTML Pages: It has a wide selection of HTML pages hence fit for diverse applications.

Fully Responsive: ThemeKit adjusts itself accordingly to any screen size and device supporting latest four releases of each modern browser at least.

RTL Support: The theme supports right-to-left languages like Arabic, Persian and Hebrew with dedicated RTL modules.

HTML & AngularJS Boilerplate: Comes with AngularJS starter boilerplate for those who are into using AngularJS.

Modern Tools: Uses Grunt in task automation, Bower in asset management, Swig as HTML templating engine and BrowserSync to preview browsers live.

Specialized Themes

Real Estate App & Website Theme: Contains specialized maps, layouts as well as pages purposed for real estate apps.

Music App & Website Theme: Designed specifically for music enthusiasts having such pages as music discovery or album details among others.

Bootstrap Admin Theme: Has tools designed for reporting and business management purposes.

Learning Website Theme: More recommended when doing educational projects since it has pages like courses listing or survey forms or tutor profiles etc…

Social Network Themes: Three distinct social network themes with particular profile components, message boxes or timelines among other things.

UI Kits

Essentials UI Kit: Contains vital aspects such as buttons, icons, tables and form items form example input type password etc….

Layout UI Kit: Helps in controlling page layouts including fluid and fixed layouts, multiple sidebar options etc.

Sidebar UI Kit: Consists of components like buttons, menus, form controls that can be added to sidebars.

Navbar UI Kit: Contains elements for navigation bars such as dropdowns, forms, custom widgets etc.

Colors UI Kit: Features lively colors based on Google’s Material Design guidelines.


The AngularJS starter is a basic integration and not a full app.

Customizing ThemeKit requires advanced knowledge of tools like Node.js and CSS preprocessors.

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Thoughts on “ThemeKit – Bootstrap Admin Theme Kit Review”

  1. Loved this. It has everything I needed. Hopefully, it will be upgraded to a newer version, eg. Bootstrap 4, and come up with backend code, eg. Laravel, CodeIgniter.


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