WorkScout: A Versatile WordPress Theme for Job Boards and Freelance Marketplaces

Feature Description
Theme Name WorkScout
Type WordPress Theme
Functionality Job Board, Freelance
Styles List, Grid, Map
Applications Form, Online Resume
Bidding Price, Timeframe
Reviews Employer, Freelancer
Resumes Portfolio, Attachments 📎
History Employment, Education
Messaging Private Messaging
Plugin WP Job Manager
Resume Manager Signup, Upload Resume
Resume Form Predefined Form
Admin Managed via WP
Application Deadline Review, Manage Applications
Job Alerts Email Daily, Weekly
Bookmarks Notes, Track 📑
WooCommerce Integration Paid Listings 💰
Filters Advanced Job Filters
Salary Filter Unique to WorkScout
Mobile Friendly Seamless Experience 📱
Demo Images Not Included

WorkScout is a WordPress theme that is revolutionary and is able to incorporate the features of conventional job boards together with those from freelance market places. This implies, that this WordPress job board theme can help you create your own website similar to Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork & Airtasker etc.


WorkScout offers various layouts for job listings including classic list or grid with sidebar, full page with map and fast-loading jobs via AJAX. Candidates can apply directly using an application form or their online resume created on WorkScout.

Jobs Bidding

Tasks or micro-jobs posting like in or are possible through this theme. The freelancers will indicate their time frame and price by bidding. Once a task is done both the employer and freelancer can rate each other which builds up trust and transparency.

Freelance Profiles – Online Resumes

When it comes to building online CVs, WorkScout has made everything simple. Here users can add portfolio showcase, attachments, job reviews, employment as well as education history among others while engaging in private messaging. It is vital when one wants to tender a bid on tasks or simply apply for some work.

Resume Manager

This plugin fully supports Resume Manager functionality in WorkScout WP Theme. Users may sign up and upload their resumes or complete predefined submission forms provided. These features are seamlessly integrated into the WordPress admin area’s control panel.

Application Deadline

From the Job Dashboard users may Apply For A Job;Review Job Applications; Manage Job Applications jobs applications management system also has the Application Deadline feature whereby users who have subscribed to alerts can submit their applications through the dashboard too. Consequently it helps users manage efficiently their search for employment opportunities.

Job Alerts

Job alerts extension allows registered users wake up to new listing alerts besides being able to save searches within their accounts.Users have a choice of receiving these notifications whether daily weekly fortnightly.


The Bookmarks add-on is useful for both recruiters and job seekers. Recruiters can manage their lists and add notes to the bookmarks, while job hunters can bookmark jobs and employers can bookmark candidates’ resumes.

WooCommerce Paid Listings

With this plugin, you can charge your visitors for posting a specific number of jobs or even resumes on your website. In addition, this feature gives more power to your job network.

Advanced Job Listing Filters

WorkScout’s advanced search filters include unique salary / rate filters which make it easier for candidates to narrow down to relevant ads. This professional approach enhances the job search experience.

Mobile Friendly

This theme has been designed with mobile in mind so it works seamlessly well on all devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets & phones etc. Hence each user is going to have the same familiar experience along with being user centric too.

To sum up, WorkScout is a powerful WordPress Theme that integrates both job boards and freelance markets into one theme. If you’d like a really good example of how comprehensive a job board should be then WorkScout provides an excellent demonstration of what one looks like.

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