Portm Theme Review

Feature Description
Design & Code Highly skilled team
Experience 9+ years 📅
Loading Speed Fast performance 🚀
SEO Optimized SEO friendly code
Lifetime Updates Always up to date
New Demo Added every 1-2 weeks
Documentation Comprehensive & detailed 📚
Website Demo Two unique demos 🖥️
Header/Footer Available variations
Design Modern & unique
Developer Demo Specialized version
Menu Styles Classic & full screen
Scroll Effects Page scroll effects
Details Page Blog, Portfolio, FAQ 📄
HTML File W3C Valid
Responsive 100% Layout 📱
Framework Bootstrap 5
Customization Easy to customize
Compatibility Cross Browser
Google Fonts Free included
Design Style Clean & modern
Animation Custom effects 🎨
Layout Creative & unique
SEO Code Friendly
SASS Files Included
Documentation Well documented 📖
Support 24/7 Friendly
Template File HTML
Documentation File Included
Sources & Credits Fonts & images
Fonts Jost, Lexend Deca
Images Unsplash, Freepik 📷
Plugins Bootstrap 5, Slick
Support Team Available 24/7 💬
Response Time Within 3 days

Quality of Design and Code

Portm is a WordPress template that is built by a pool of skilled designers and frontend developers who have more than normal nine years of experience in the industry. Their skills are further seen in the well-designed portfolio template that blends creativity and professionalism.

Loading Speed

Fast loading speed is one of the factors. One of the main advantages of Portm theme is fast loading speeds. Due to the high quality of the code and high quality of the images used; this theme is quite fast and does not disappoint quite the opposite it is quite smooth and loading time is great.

On Page SEO

Portm’s code is optimized for SEO. These developers have tried to optimize the entire theme making it suitable for search engines which is likely to increase traffic for your site.

Regular updates

In the case with Portm, you should not be concerned about your theme becoming obsolete. Every time you register Portm theme, you get updates for as long as the theme is supported. This is because the designers listen to their clients’ needs and complaints and implement changes that make the theme appropriate.

New Demos Regularly

Now isn’t that fun? In a bid to refresh the monotony, Portm introduces a new demo in the interval of one or two weeks. These demos come at no additional cost and provide more design ideas for your site so that you can have more changes and options on the site.

Elaborate Documentation

The theme is packed with in-depth documentation that aids understanding and application of the theme, going even further to make inclusivity a prerequisite. Everyone is accommodated thanks to the detailed and explained templates, none of which requires technical knowledge.

More Features

There’s a number of unique features Portm has and among them are two different website demos, several header and footer templates and modern designs as well. There is a special demo for the designers and the developers as well as a classic or full screen type menu and page scroll

Specification of Pages along with the Responsive Design

The theme also has inbuilt pages such as blog details, portfolio details, faq, testimonials and the 404 error page. The layout of the site is 100% RESPONSIVE, which means the website will be appealing on all kinds of gadgets. It is also based on bootstrap 5 which is easy to modify.

Cross-Browser Compatibility

Portm covers all the major browsers, thus it’s convenient to all users. It also has free Google Fonts possibilities, clean and modern looking features, custom animation design features and creative layouts.

What You Get

The purchase of Portm offers an HTML template file, sources and credits, and a detailed documentation. We use the fonts Jost and Lexend Deca for the design, and the images used in the previews are sourced from Unsplash and Freepik. Besides, the theme comes with various jQuery plugins such as Bootstrap 5, Slick Slider, Isotope, WOW JS, Odometer and several others.

24/7 Customer Support

Again, a 24 by 7 support is offered by Portm, meeting the questions asked by the clients at the most within three business days. This takes away the worry you might have when you face any problems since they will be resolved in no time.

All in all, Portm is a quickly loaded, highly functional, and SEO-friendly WordPress theme packed with a lot of features and flexible settings, and quality design, making it worthwhile for launching a professional and contemporary website.

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