Edumate: A Forward-Thinking Education HTML Template

Feature Details
Name Edumate
Type HTML Template
Purpose Education
Framework Bootstrap 5.3.0
Homepages 3
Sass Yes (scss)
Contact Form Dynamic
Icon Font FontAwesome
Google Fonts Yes
Validated Code W3C
Code Style Clean
Design Creative & Modern
Responsive Fully ✅
Animations Smooth
Customization Easy
Browser Support Cross Browser
Documentation Well Documented 📚
Console Errors None
Pages 34 HTML pages
Layout Responsive
Loading Speed Optimized ⚡
Contact Form Ajax
Google Map Integrated
Scroll Smooth
Blog Page Included 📝
SaaS Compatibility Yes
Updates Regular
Customer Support Long-term
Version 1.0.5 Bootstrap v5.3.0
Version 1.0.4 Speed optimized
Version 1.0.3 Bootstrap v5.0.2
Version 1.0.2 jQuery 3.6.0
Version 1.0.1 Menu Dropdown Fixed

An edumate is a contemporary html template of education which serves in an easy way for users in building the websites of their choices. This template is characterized with unique capabilities as well as concern of users as well as visitors.

User Experience

Many pages in prebuilt state are being offered by Edumate and the most important features, which allow rather quickly to create the educational website. Tremendous effective modern e-learning template will be built of course with the R&D cooperation. And users will be pleased to receive such a support in case of any troubles.

Design and Layout

Bright and attractive course pages with numerous course pages, image gallery, event webpage and most popular courses page all work together to achieve a beautiful and functional website. Furthermore, It has also many responsive layouts, fast page loading speed and multi browser compatibility to ensure proper functioning in various devices and platforms.

Interactive Features

Edumate provides great autonomy for web users by having 34 html pages that are fully responsive bringing more interactivity to it. This template makes it easy to create online courses, manage progression, create teacher’s accounts, show a bulletin board and testimonial reviews. The usability of the subject is also enhanced by provision of facilities like ajax contact forms, google map, nice scrolling and pleasing designs.

Blog Integration

For the reason that Edumate is cognisant of the primary HERE content unit, it also provides an excellent blog page, enabling institutions to attract more people and disseminate educational material in a more efficient manner. This function, in turn, preserves a degree of loyalty from the audience.

Technical Aspects

Clean and validated code is guaranteed for Edumate which is built using Bootsrtrap version 5.3.0 and made using Sass (scss). It has dynamic contact forms, Google fonts, Font Awesome icons, and it has animations. The template is quite well elaborated and provides a lot of customization options and configuration without console errors, thus making the installation and maintenance of the application easy.

Cross-broswer Compatibility

As for the cross-browser capabilities, Edumate comes with a cross-browser compatibility feature meaning that you can perform the activities of your educational website on different web browsers without any challenges. This functionality is very useful so that a higher number of people can be reached irrespective of their web browser.


If someone is in need to create educational related website design, Edumate is the complete and easy answer. By combining its up-to-date look and captivating layout with various interactive elements, it meets the requirements of those educational establishments that strive for a catchy, yet simple, website.

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