Qurno – Multipurpose Hugo Blog Theme Review

Theme Qurno
Type Multipurpose Hugo Blog
Responsive Yes
Languages Multiple Support 🌐
Modes Dark & Light
Authors Single & Multiple
Pages 15+ Minimal 📄
Gallery Yes
Image Zoom Medium Style
jQuery No jQuery, JS
Design Minimal & Modern
Code W3C Valid
Archive Page Yes
Tags Page Yes
Category Page Yes
Image Format Auto WebP
Blog Search Yes 🔍
Contact Form Airform, Formspree
Newsletter MailChimp
Comments Disqus
Analytics Google Analytics
Responsive Fully Responsive 📱
Social Sharing Yes
Syntax Highlighting Yes
Documentation Well Documented 📚
Fonts Free Google Fonts
Bootstrap Yes
Icons Tabler SVG Icons
Zoomable Image Lightense
Photo Credit Unsplash 📸
CMS Setup Admin Panel

A Flexible Blog Template

Qurno demands attention as it is a universal theme that is made to address any blogging requirement and has a rich range of functionalities. Regardless of the users’ experience or professionalism, Qurno has structures and functions that works in creating a decent blog and maintaining its activity.

Appearance and Customization

The best part of the theme Qurno is its responsive and sleek design, which can be customized to match your preferences. There are more than 15 pages to enable you to have a custom and attractive blog. The theme comes with dark and light modes making the readers comfortable whichever way they choose to read.

Language and Author Support

It’s also a feature that will come in handy for those bloggers who want to maximize the popularity of their blogs since qurno also provides support in various languages. In addition, this theme supports one or many authors for a given blog post. This makes it stand out for group blogging.

Technical Excellence, or Excellence as Diagnosis

The theme’s structure relies on pure JavaScript, which means that the use of jQuery is eliminated. This could speed up some processes and improve loading times if the site contains a lot of downloaded resources. The code is W3C validated, which means, there will be less probability that a server and the blog in particular has problems with the user across different web browsers. To add value, Qurno applies auto generation of WebP images which further saves on size and speeds up page loading efficiently without losing quality in the images of the information on web pages.

Enhanced User Interaction, or the Change of Perception

Qurno has inclusion of features which enhance user interaction possibilities for example pages includes social sharing click to tweet buttons, ability to add documents with syntax highlighting and ability to zoom images as seen in Medium’s features. It consists of search options to look and locate particular posts on the blog within the blog itself.

Integration and Responsiveness

Many third-party services are integrated into the theme such as MailChimp or Disqus which add comments to the newsletter service. There is also an indicator for Google analytics embedded which facilitates comprehension of the user interaction and performance of the blog. The theme is also fully responsive so the Qurno allows for normal viewing experience of your blog on all devices including phones and desktop computers.

Comprehensive Documentation

Qurno templates are sold with instruction manuals which makes it possible for every user to use their blogs without the inconveniences of customer support. The other important feature is that the Theme also has free Google Fonts.


Qurno – Multipurpose Hugo Blog Theme has proved a handy and versatile solution to every blogger whose goal is to design a professional, mobile-friendly and easily editable blog. In addition, this template has rich features, modern design and good multilingual and multi-author support which is very suitable for bloggers of all levels.

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