Go Courier: Ideal WordPress Theme for Shipment and Delivery Services

Feature Description
Theme Name Go Courier
Designed for Shipment, Delivery, Courier
Homepage Options Multiple Options 🏠
Page Builder Elementor
Home Page Layouts Two Layouts
WooCommerce Support Integrated
Theme Options Advanced
Shortcodes 50+ Shortcodes
Google Fonts Integrated
Font Awesome Icons 350+ Icons
Color Schemes Unlimited 🎨
Product Tracking Advanced Service
Cost Calculation Advanced Service
Translation Ready Yes 🌐
Ajax Login Available
Admin Options Shipping Rates
Documentation Detailed πŸ“„
Builder Type Drag & Drop
Change Log Fixed Issues
Compatibility Latest Plugins

Best Suited for Courier Services

Go Courier highlight is primarily focused on shipment, delivery and courier services. The business has made available several home page designs with its WordPress theme enabling various companies for efficient branding of their websites.

Visually Appealing and Practically Useful Interfaces

One good thing about Go Courier is its support of the Elementor page builder. They can also choose one of two homepages, both of them with WooCommerce capability. It allows for the development of a captivating and practical website for the business. The theme is also packaged with 50+ shortcodes, 350+ CSS font icons and google fonts extensions for website customization.

Effective Covers of Tracking and Cost Estimation Features

The Go courier theme does not just stop at websites sequential layouts, for it has come along with high-level product and date cost tracking features. They also allow front-end users to track their packages and calculate the total amount one would need to pay out for a given package with ease. In addition to that, different countries can have different prices and different shipping costs which can be set by the administrator.

Easy Configuration to Meet Your Business Needs

For the companies who wish to take it a step further, this theme also works perfectly with WooCommerce, so it’s possible to sell products or services from the site. There is a drag-and-drop visual page builder included as well as countless color variations for easy possible changes. Furthermore, the theme is equipped with the necessary translation features catering to the requirements of foreign customers, including Ajax login option.

Comprehensive Documentation and Support

The Go Courier theme includes the documentation online to assist in the installation and customization functions as performed by the users. There are also new updates released from time to time for the current WordPress and basic installed plugins in order to fix outdated problems and some CSS bugs.


In conclusion, it can be stated that Go Courier is a great option for those working in shipping and delivery services businesses aiming to create a solid web presence. Advanced functionality, nice interface, and a rich arsenal of means for making changes make this theme an all-rounded approach for various requirements of the courier businesses.

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Thoughts on “Go Courier: Ideal WordPress Theme for Shipment and Delivery Services”

  1. Support is excellent. You’ll definitely get answers and some modification for your site.

    I bought this template and for more than one you I have been trying to make it work but not even following the instructions in the documentation it been able to work. It looks just like a picture.

    Their customer support is the best. Understands the issue and fixes it on time. I would recommend them over and over again because it’s not just good design and complex functionality alone that everyone needs but a good support team that understands your problem and strives to rectify it.

    You really have to fight your way through the widgets. It’s all messed up somehow. Not intuitive. “Non-existent changeset UUID.” message. I used so many themes and this one is just… annoying.

  2. Great communication, great working with Jim. I really appreciate your help and service.

    After sales are very responsive even on weekends.

    The theme is just like DEMO. I couldn’t install it myself, and they kindly installed it for me. For those who give bad reviews, it may be for lack of communication. THANK YOU SUPPORT TEAM.

    I purchased this theme with the impression that it has the functionalities I need. But the functions are very basic, not “advanced” like advertised. Within a few days, I asked for support, which was not adequate, so I removed the theme from my website and asked for a refund, but the seller refused. Themeforest asked for more documents, which I couldn’t spend time gathering. With all due respect, I think themeforest and/or the seller need to be more understanding. If customers cannot use their product, the refund should be processed with little or no questions asked. I’m leaving this comment for other buyers to be aware of this practice.


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