Dolab WordPress Theme Review

Feature Details
HTML Files Included
jQuery Files Included
JavaScript Files Included
CSS Files Included
Sass Files Included
Documentation Included 📄
Font “Poppins”, sans-serif
Support Yes, with queries
Images Not included 📷
Credits AmCharts, Animate
Credits AOS, ApexCharts
Credits Bootstrap, Notify
Credits Daterangepicker
Credits Material Datetimepicker
Credits Multiselect, Select
Credits Tagsinput, Touchspin
Credits RTL, Chart.js
Credits Chartist, Tooltips
Credits Clockpicker
Credits Datatables, Dropzone
Credits Flot, Spline
Credits Fullcalendar
Credits Highlightjs, jQuery
Credits AsColor, AsColorPicker
Credits AsGradient, Sparkline
Credits Steps, jQueryui
Credits Validation, jqvmap
Credits Metismenu, Moment
Credits Morris, Nestable2
Credits Nouislider, Peity
Credits Scrollbar, Pickadate
Credits Raphael, Select2
Credits Summernote
Credits Svganimation, Sweetalert
Credits Toastr, Wnumb
License Regular, Extended
Change Log 28 December 2022
New Created & Upload

Simple-to-Use Files

Dolab comes with a multitude of files that make customization very easy. You will receive HTML, jQuery, JavaScript, CSS, and Sass files. These are significant for anybody who wants to fine-tune the theme according to their preferences. It has a comprehensive documentation that will prevent you from losing your way.

Stylish Font

This Poppins font used by this theme is sans-serif typeface with clean and modern look. This font improves the legibility and makes your site appear professional.

Supporting Questions

In case of any difficulty or queries, Dolab maintains a special support channel. Send your inquiries to the company’s support site and they promise to help you out regarding any complications on the product.

Critical Note about Images

Remember, images used in demo are not included in download package. As such, you will have to provide other pictures yourself if you want to achieve an exact copy of what is depicted in demo.

Credits & Integrations

Dolab also integrates with many other services like Bootstrap, Chart.js and JQuery which boosts its performance among others. Furthermore, it features integration with Fullcalendar as well as Datatables thus helping users add advanced features without starting from scratch.

License Information

The licensing section provides two types of licenses; Regular License and Extended License. With Regular license one can use theme only for single end product which end users don’t pay for while Extended license allows one to use it on an end product that is sold to end-users on saleable basis. Henceforth choose right license depending on your needs.

Final Thoughts

Dolab is a versatile WordPress theme packed with different files and integrations that allow its users create stunning websites easily. It has clear fonts plus its support system covers all aspect making it user friendly; moreover there are several licensing options meant at giving customers some freedom when undertaking particular projects. If you need another theme for your website Dolab could be a good choice.

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